Does TSA get hungry inspecting all those bags?

I needed to bring a desktop computer for the big demo we’re doing at a trade show this week. To keep the suitcase weight down, I thought I’d implement something akin to “Sealed Air.” I filled Ziploc bags 3/4 the way with air (leaving a buffer for pressurization changes), and coddled them all around my computer. The theory was this would cushion my computer from any jostling from the baggage handlers. When I unpacked the suitcase in Reno, all of the bags were deflated. I know TSA rummaged through it as evidenced by the friendly letter, but it appears they may have deliberately let the air out of the bags. Am I supposed to leave a snack in there, like my kids do for Santa Claus?

Except for some keys popping out of the keyboard, everything was copacetic. We spent half of Monday working through the timing, then that evening for the actual show, by which point I could tell the demo was going to be a success. It was also a pleasant surprise to see this note my company’s CEO sent the entire company:

The Sneak Peek Party VI:
Awesome—Very Awesome. This was the best party we have put on at [our big trade show event] yet! 40 pizzas and two kegs of beer consumed by about 200 attendees (just my estimate). Tom and Jim gave a demo of [my product] that was simply spectacular. People were spellbound watching the demo—-all heads fixated on the screen as if they were watching the scariest part of some thriller at the movies. The place was buzzing with people excited about what we have been doing and anticipating getting to use [my product]. All we have to do now is deliver on this promise!

Although his choice of metaphors is curious, the demo rocked. Seeing people stick around well after pizza was consumed and both kegs were floated made me feel slightly better about the 16 consecutive days of work put into it., however, I have a lot of make-up time to spend with my family.

2 thoughts on “Does TSA get hungry inspecting all those bags?”

  1. All we have to do now is deliver on this promise!
    I love this Boss-Speak. Translation, O.K. so far, now don’t screw it up, anybody!

    Congrats on a great payoff to your hard work!

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